Daily Budget

While your overall budget will depend on what cities you are planning to travel and what region you are currently in, this will be an estimate of how much a day in an average city might cost for different types of travelers.

For a backpacker – while backpackers are already experienced in how to save money on a daily basis, this city might take you for a spin. If you plan to stay in a hostel, eat from the local food stalls, and use public transportation, you can get through the day in no more than 400-500 MAD. This includes some basic city tour price as well as a visit or two to a public hammam.
For a mid-range budget couple – if you’re a couple staying in a budget hotel, eating out at decent shops, taking well-guided tours, and occasionally using private …

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Top 5 Things to See and Do in Morocco

The best and worst thing about Morocco comes in the varying landscapes the country provides as you travel through it. From the mountain terrains of Atlas Mountains to the coastal areas facing the Mediterranean Sea, you can easily get lost between so many options.
Even though there are endless options to discover in the Mediterranean country, here are the top five things that you need to see and do while exploring Morocco:
Explore the City of Marrakesh

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